After many years of Cod fishing on the Yorkshire coast I caught my first double figure cod back in Nov 2003. The fish weighed 14 pounds 8 ounces and was part of a 5 fish haul for 30 pounds exactly. I remember the night well (how could I forget it) and remember loosing another fish of similar size right at my feet on the same night. There was a huge south easterly swell running into Runswick bay and the water was the colour of chocolate. I missed several bites and half of the 4 hour match had gone before I got the first fish of about 5 pounds in weight, then on the next cast a felt a slight tap and I wound down hoping it was another bite. After a few seconds the rod lunged forward and when I hit it I knew it was the fish I'd been waiting for for all those years. I remmber how good it felt to see the scales at the weigh in go around to 14 pounds and I remmber hardly sleeping a wink with excitement that night.
Well 3 years later I hooked another. Not quite as big at 10 pounds 4 ounces but it still felt great. This time from Robin hoods bay but the sea direction was the same again although not quite as big. A south easterly with chocolate coloured water seems to be luck for me. Hopefully I'll get around to scanning the picture in soon. A fantastic fish that thought hard all the way to my feet, and again just like last time I lost another decent 1 on the next cast. Perhaps it is true what people say about double figure fish swimming together.
1 comment:
Last year a guy had a 10 and 12lb fish on the same tide from Aldeburgh, they seem to swim in year classes. At the minute in E Anglia there's a lot of fish 12oz to 1lb. I've noticd that the larger fish turn up on tides you wouldn't expect, round here w're looking for a Northerly to put a swell on, the bigger fish seem to turn up when its flatter.
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