Saturday, February 03, 2007

Storing Lug Worm

Paper is probably best if your going to use them. Trays of water in the fridge is a good way to prolong the life of any worm but I think it subtracts from their quality.

Some of the lads I know keep them in buckets of sand. I'm currently experimenting with trays of sand in my tank. Ill let you know how they come on.

I think the blacks may be lost mate (or is this age of politically correctness and awareness of a multitude of cultures perhaps we should call them worms from an ethnic minority). As your aware they are tempremental little buggers and will struggle to resettle. Best to go in water when you get them and change it daily with water of the same temp. Always beware when keeping them in water of the waters salinity. I once put all my whites in water to find them dead the next day. When I checked the water salinity it was the same as tap water, I had taken it from too near the outlet of a stream.

Hope that helps. I would be interested to learn how others keep their worms.

More information at

Storing Lug worms

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