Thursday, April 02, 2009

Whitby Fishing Trips

Anyone thinking of taking a fishing trip on the Yorkshire Coast these days must get very confused quite quickly. Not only are there 20 plus boats in some of the ports like Whitby, but they also offer offer a diversity of fishing times and targeted fish species. Some boats seem to fish 10 or 12 hours a day for cod only, whilst some of the other boats fish short trips of 3 hours and target other species such as mackerel, whiting, bass and some cod when they do venture closer to shore. Another consideration for the boat angler is what tackle should I need. Do you need to bring your own tackle or does the skipper provide it ? Do you need a heavy or light boat fishing rod and do you need to use braid or monofilament line.

After thinking abut all the above and the difficulties the novice boat angler faces when he comes to places like Whitby I decided to write a few pages on the Whitby Sea Anglers website about boat fishing in Whitby. Anyone who wishes to find out more should visit one of the following 4 pages.

Boat Fishing - Hints, Tips And General Information. - This pages covers all aspects of boat fishing and contains numerous links to information on Wreck fishing, uptiding, lists of local boats, polls of what rod is best, what tackle to use, bait or artificial lures etc.

Whitby Charter Boats - A full list of all the Whitby charter boats including contact information.

Whitby Fishing Trips - All the things you will need to know when booking a Whitby Fishing Trip.

Whitby Angling Festival - All the information and updates from the UK's biggest boat fishing festival.

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