Thursday, June 29, 2006

Ugly Fish for Paul on Sea Otter 2 Whitby

This has to be one of the Ugliiest fish you ever saw. It is a 6lb cat fish caught on Paul Kilpatricks boat sea otter 2 from Whitby. Some people are now saying that some of the Yorkshire coast fish caught on charter sea fishing trips from Whitby are looking very much like the boats skipper. What do you think ?

To view more pictures of fish including whitby cod, mackerel and bass please visit or the whitby sea anglers galleries at


Glenn Kilpatrick said...

Nice one Toby

Miss Templeton said...


I've just responded to your post over on mine about how I came to write about Whitby, but now I can see why you'd be interested in knowing about my connection to Whitby.

I won't repeat the whole story, but I visited Whitby last year in the Spring. There is a connection to Horslips. That post, from December, was when I was over for business travel in Bognor and I saw the news article about Whitby.

Last summer, I began talking with some tourists in San Francisco visiting from Canada. But their grandmother (now in Canada as well and on the visit) had been from Whitby. I think it is a beautiful town, especially the hill with the ruins that overlooks everything.

Glenn Kilpatrick said...


It was very kind of you to take the time to reply. I guess there is people with links to Whitby right across the globe.
What a very small world indeed.

Kind regards - Glenn