Sunday, August 13, 2006

North east coast rock fishing glossary

Well from the outside It probably looks like Ive gone bonkers (although Im sure most think that anyways). Ive been doing a lot of work on the website over the past couple of weeks. I guess some of it looks pretty irrelevent but it all has a purpose - which is to get better listings on google and therefore get more people to look at our site. From what ive been told the more content you have with word that people will search for the better your site will do in google. For example. Ive recently started a north east coast rock fishing glossary which lists items used or related to cod fishing in the north east of England. It probably doesnt appear like anything clever but hopefully now when someone types the word amnesia or bimini twist or any other word in the glossary into google they will see our site listed and come take a look. Thats the theory. Ill tell you in about 12 months if it works in practice. Its called search engine optimisation and quite useful for making a few quid from writing websites if you can master the art.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the SEO (search engine optimisation) stuff - remember - CONTENT IS KING!

New bits on the blog - check it out below.


Glenn Kilpatrick said...

Hi Stuart,

Thanks m8, Ive been reading a few seo forums recently mainly -
The guys in there seem really knowledgable. Ive picked quite a bit up to date and as you have said the main thing appers to be content is king. Although I must admit Im no master I hope to see the reward sometime in the next few months.

Kind regards - Glenn

Rob said...

Hey Man thanks for visiting my blog I recon You must the first person :) , Yer fishing over here in NZ rocks but I have been a little slack on The content of my blog as no visitors just yet, Not that fussed its just a hobby really , Anyway thought Id stop by and say great blog and keep up the good work , One little thing I noted that might help is that your link to the fishing club site isnt working well it didnt for me anyhow great stuff all the same , Cheers Rob . href="">My Fishing Blog